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বিনিময় (Exchange) কি?

১৮৮২ সালের সম্পত্তি হস্তান্তর আইনের ১১৮ ধারায় বলা হয়েছে যে যদি দুই বা ততোধিক ব্যক্তি তাদের পারস্পারিক মতামতের ভিত্তিতে একজন আর এক জনের একটি জিনিসের মালিকানা স্বত্বের বদলে অপর একজনের কোন জিনিসের মালিকানা স্বত্বের হস্তান্তর, অথবা কোনো একটি জিনিস অর্থ এবং অপর জিনিসটি অন্য কিছু হয় অথবা দুটি জিনিসই যদি অর্থ হয় এবং তা যদি দুই বা ততোধিক ব্যক্তির মধ্যে আদান প্রদান হয়ে থাকে তাহলে সেই পদ্ধতিকে বিনিময় বলে।
যেমন: রহিম করিমকে ৫০০০/- দিল এবং করিম বিনিময়ে রহিমকে ার ২৫ শতাংশ জমি এক বছরের জন্য আবাদ করার সুযোগ দিল।
সাক্ষী, বাড়ী ভাড়া নিয়ন্ত্রণ আইন অভিযোগকারীদের আইন শিক্ষা হুমকি দেয়া বা ক্ষতি আইন ও বিচার করলে
বিনিময় কি ভাবে করা যায়? বাংলাদেশের আইন কানুন
বিনিময়ের সম্পত্তি দুটো যদি স্থাবর সম্পত্তি হয় এবং তার একটির মূল্য যদি ১০০ টাকা বা তার বেশি হয়, তাহলে উক্ত বিনিময়টি রেজিস্ট্রিকৃত দলিলের মাধ্যমে সম্পাদন করতে হবে।আইন
কিন্তু বিনিময় মুল্য যদি ১০০ টাকার কম হয় তাহলে শুধুমাত্র দখল অর্পনের মাধ্যমে কার্যকর করা যাবে ৷
স্থাবর সম্পত্তির বিনিময় দখল অর্পনের মাধ্যমে করা যায় আবার রেজিষ্ট্রিকৃত দলিলের মাধ্যমেও করা যেতে পারে।
উল্লেখ্য যে মৌখিক বিনিময় দ্বারা কোনো পক্ষের কোনো স্বার্থের সৃষ্টি হয় না । কাজেই অস্থাবর সম্পত্তি এবং ১০০ টাকার কম মূল্যের স্থাবর সম্পত্তির বিনিময় রেজিস্ট্রিকৃত দলিলের মাধ্যমে করা হলে তা বৈধ্য হবে ।  বাংলাদেশের আইন
বিনিময়ের পক্ষসমুহের অধিকার ও দায়িত্ব: বিনিময়ের প্রত্যেক পক্ষই হলেন একজন ক্রেতা এবং বিক্রেতা । বিনিময়ের প্রত্যেক পক্ষই একই সংগে তাদের পরস্পরের বিষয় বস্তু, একই সময়ে হস্তান্তর এবং গ্রহন করবে। উভয় পক্ষই তাদের সস্পত্তির যাবতীয় বিষয়ে পরস্পরকে অবগত করবে । মোট কথা উভয় পক্ষই সমান ভাবে দায়িত্ব পালন করবে এবং অধিকার ভোগ করবে ।
বিনিময় এবং বিক্রয়ের মধ্যে পার্থক্য:
বিক্রয়ের ক্ষেত্রে টাকার বিনিময়ে সম্পত্তি হস্তান্তরিত হয়, কিন্তু বিনিময়ের ক্ষেত্রে একটি সম্পত্তির বদলে অপর একটি সম্পত্তি হস্তান্তরিত হয় । বাংলাদেশের আইন
মূল্য বা টাকার বিনিময়ে সম্পত্তি হস্তান্তরকে বিক্রয় বলে । অন্য দিকে দুই বা ততোধিক ব্যক্তির মধ্যে সম্পত্তির আপোষমূলক হস্তান্তরকে বিনিময় বলে ।

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Vocational Education

There are various conceptions & misconceptions regarding vocational education. Some just fail to understand the difference between a vocational school & standard school. A vocational course basically involves practical & while the standard schools involves theoretical knowledge.

Knowledge in any format is beneficial; however practical knowledge is more beneficial than theoretical education as its human tendency understand the practical better. Vocational education is also called technical education, & involves subjects like auto repair, woodworking, carpentry, blacksmith, cosmetology, aviation mechanics, hotel management, hairstyling plumbing, cab driving, etc. Vocational education can be achieved at different levels of life, it can either be pursued at secondary i.e. high school level or post secondary i.e. after high school; however at the post secondary level vocational education is provided at an institute of know-how, a local community college, a career training college, or a trade school.

Vocational education is different from the academic education & thus it is only for those students who aspire to accomplish their careers objective through training method while others are depending on learning method. Vocational education also called as Voc. Ed provides apprentice or internships or even part time jobs to its students. After the training period is done, students can continue their practice or opt for a job & if license is required for a specific profession & if the person is eligible the license is provided to a person in order to practice a profession.

there's several conceptions & misconceptions regarding the vocational education among the parents & students, some parents feel vocational education leaves gaps in child's education method while some parents feel vocational education shapes up the career of the kid like potter shapes up the pot. Similarly some students find vocational education as an aid to their concrete growth for their career & future while some students basically hate vocational education format & believe in the traditional theoretical format of education is the best one.

Vocational education has raised its importance in the coming years, however still they discover a debate on the best format of education. But if speaking professionally vocational education students are preferred over the traditional format education students just because the Voc. Ed students have experience while traditional educated students are to be taught from the beginning. Any organization works for profits & thus will hire the candidates who have already acquired profit than from those who still need to learn. Both formats have its own importance however the choice of the format of education depends on the scholars.

With the increasing popularity of the vocational education, there's various colleges offering vocational classes as well, there's some institutes that also provide vocational education & theoretical education at same moment in order to make sure the general growth of the scholars. Vocational education format also offers job switch or career switch to the scholars as these students are trained to work with youths as well as adults. These students are far more confident than the scholars from the traditional format education as they receive the experience before obtaining the degree.

Vocational Education may create conceptions or misconceptions in the minds of the people but holds one fact crystal clear that vocational education designs the scholars since childhood to modify in to the career of his choice in such a way that they inculcates all the expertise in the particular field so that no one can query his capabilities.

The Educational Equipment

Today parents pay more attention to the preschool schooling, so that educational equipments are largely welcomed by parents & babies. Educational equipments are a general name for kinds of entertainment equipments used for kids' schooling. As schooling itself is a huge field, educational equipments also contain may types of equipments, as mathematics educational equipments, painting educational equipments, athletics educational equipments, & music educational equipments, to name a few.

it's definitely that every parent focuses much energy on the development of his children's intelligence. Parents make every work to send them to the best kindergartens, the best primary school, middle schools & universities, & when they are young, they may be send to various training schools to nurse their abilities on singing, dancing, painting, calculating & so on. All these are because of the importance of schooling, as the saying goes "knowledge is power."

Painting educational equipments are those educational equipments used for painting. The basal painting educational equipments are blackboards. Today blackboards are not restricted to be black; they may also be white & green. Besides, some blackboards are double sets. They can be used by two babies simultaneously.

Number & counting is the basal skills for children to get. Mathematics educational equipments can make numbers learning be simple & take great pleasure in to learning. In this sort of educational equipments, products are of different styles, colors & shapes. The most common educational equipments is the numbers carts. But this sort of mathematics educational equipments may be simple & tiresome. Nowadays, there's intelligence-enlightening number rods, number board educational equipments, number blocks educational equipments, & hanging numbers beads educational equipments. The educational equipments for letters learning & alphabet learning are of the same samples.

Music educational equipments are the educational equipments that are used for music teaching. they are usually small & smart for they are not designed for music composition but for primary music notion. In this field, there's rock drum, multicolor balls, children jingle bells, etc.

Athletics educational equipments are those educational equipments for sports. this sort of educational equipments is often appearing to be small & light. Different from the actual equipments set on the playground, athletics educational equipments are more of entertainment than of competition. The purpose of athletics educational equipments is to let children get preparatory idea of various sports. Athletics educational equipments include plastic basketball frames, footy nets, yellow boll-playing equipments, ball-playing tunnels & so on.

Make your children's learning interesting, educational equipments are indispensable. & educational equipments let your babies get to love learning.

What's more, there's some other educational equipment such as geometry blocks for shape learning, animal-themed jingle bells for animal realizing, mini microscope & telescope for observing, & so on.